Arkansas Traveler:
Ashokan Farewell:
Athole Highlanders:
Blackthorne Stick:
Blarney Pilgrim:
Boys of Bluehill:
Calliopie House:
Cliffs of Moher:
College Hornpipe (Sailors Hornpipe):
Cup of tea:
Dashing White Sergeant:
Dingle Regatta:
Donnybrook Fair:
Drowsy Maggie:
Duke of Perth:
Dusty Windowsill:
Earl's Chair:
Fairy Dance:
Farewell To Erin:
Flowers of Edinburgh:
Golden Keyboard:
Gravel Walks:
Hag at The Churn:
Haste to the Wedding:
High Reel:
I'll buy boots for Maggie:
I wanna be near you:
Irish Washerwoman:
Jig of Slurs:
Keel Row:
Kid on the Mountain:
King of the Fairies:
Lark in the Morning:
Maggie in the Wood:
Maguire & Patterson's:
Maid behind the Bar:
Margaret's Waltz:
Marie's Wedding:
Martin Wynn's No 1 & No 2:
Mason's Apron:
Merry Blacksmith:
Miss McLeods:
Mountain Road:
Musical priest:
My Love is but a Lassie yet:
Nine Points of Roguery:
Off to California:
Orange & Blue:
Otter's Den:
Over the Moor to Maggie:
Pinch of Snuff:
Planxty Irwin:
Rakish Paddy:
Rattling Bog:
Red Haired Boy/Little Beggarman:
Rights of Man:
Saddle the Pony:
Sailor's Bonnet:
Sally Gardens:
Scotland the Brave:
Sean Ryan's:
Si Bheag Si Mhor:
Silver Spear:
Skye Boat Song:
Sligo Maid:
Soldiers Joy:
Spanish Lady:
Spider in the Bog:
St Anne's:
St Bernard's Waltz:
Star of Munster:
Statten Island:
Swallows Tail:
Tam Linn:
The Rose Tree:
Toss the Feathers:
Tripping up the Stairs:
Trumpet Hornpipe (Captain Pugwash):
Turkey in the Straw:
Wise Maid: